
miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

Hello again kids !

Hello Kids!
You have more exercises in the 2nd Term Retrieval / recuperació  section . Recordeu que cal entregar tots els exercicis ben referenciats .
Ànims !

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020


Hello everyone !

As I told you I have included some more exercises to prepare the Retrieval of the 2nd Term . 
Make sure that you do all the exercises and that you send them in time .
In theory all the links work as I have checked them all .

Good luck and take care !

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020


Hello  everybody ! 

I hope you are all well and I must say that I miss you all .

Here you have the different tasks  that you will have to do from the 14th to the 24th April . Some of them are a revision  of the contents we have studied  in the second term   and the other activity is a mini project that you have to do individually .

1) I enclosed in the section of  2nd Term Revision some more activities that you have to do . Remember that you have to write all the answers and then send them to me in the activities or projects mail esomaristes.Write in red your mistakes.

2) The second part is a mini project  about making a recipe . I am preparing these instructions and when I have finished I will send you all the steps you have to do. I will send this before friday.

Take care .

Good luck !