
martes, 10 de abril de 2012

My Easter Holidays

Today we are back at school, but for the last 10 days we enjoyed our Easter holidays.In Catalonia, these days are special because we remember the death and the resurrection of Christ. There are speacial celebrations like Palm Sunday where children bring their palms to get blessed. One of our special days is the "Mona Day". Mona is a special cake that is only made in Catalonia. Godparents give the cake to their nephews or nieces on Easter Sunday , in most cases the cake is only a chocolate figure. The tradition says that next day people go to the country to have a picnic and there they eat the Mona. How do you celebrate Easter holidays? Explain where you go, the activities you do and who you celebrate these days with. Teacher Isabel


TODAY: My grandfather, his name is Tobalo, and now he has 72 years old. He has born in Jaén, in 1939. Now he is retired but sometimes he makes things. Now he is living in Magraners, Lleida and his hobby is collecting stamps. He likes dancing, soup and walk. He dislikes going to the mountain and swimming. Now he has 16 brothers. He has 3 sons and 5 grandsons. PAST: In the past he worked to builder's work and of taxi driver his hobbies were the football and the cycling. He liked the motorcycles and he did not like to do the bed. His first car was one ford fiesta red. Dani Cots